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Open Monday through Friday 10 AM – 4 PM

About SSC

Our mission is to provide individuals with developmental disabilities the opportunity for connection, friendships and joy through enriching activities and financial support.


In the heart of our community, Spud State Cares emerged as a ray of hope for adults with developmental disabilities grappling with meager incomes. Founder Derek Mertz created a 501(c)(3) nonprofit food bank, delivering monthly bags of groceries to those in need.


As contributions poured in, Spud State Cares' mission expanded. An office transformed into a vibrant recreation center, offering video games, pool table, and comfortable seating. "Pizza Fridays" became a free lunch haven. Dedicated staff manned the center, nurturing an inclusive environment buzzing with activities like craft days, bingo, and karaoke.


SSC transformed from a nourishment provider to an empowerment hub, drawing crowds to seasonal events. This grassroots initiative evolved into a testament of community-driven compassion, proving small actions can make large impacts.


Join Spud State Cares in scripting this inspiring tale, as they bridge gaps, foster connections, and turn dreams into reality—one heartbeat of unity at a time.

"From Nourishment to Empowerment: The Inspiring Journey of Spud State Cares"

We invision a world where individuals with developmental disabilities are embraced, empowered and welcomed into a exciting community through life opportunities and breaking barriers of invisibility.

Our Vision

We envision a world where individuals with developmental disabilities are embraced, empowered and welcomed into a community through exciting life opportunities, breaking barriers of invisibility.

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